10 May 2014 – FFGM Climate Change and Fracking – Day Conference and Hustings

800px-Mechanics'_Institute_2Information delivery:

During the morning we heard that shale gas produces 80g CO2 per KwHour energy generated. By contrast 5-20g CO2 per KwHour energy is generated by renewables. And the CBM(coal bed methane) leakage rate is even greater than the 3-7% fugitive emissions from Shale sourced methane gas. As it’s higher in the bedrock CBM escapes more easily.


Political action proposed:

In the afternoon we had six parties represented: LibDems, Greens, Left Unity, Tories,Labour and Trades Unions Socialist Coalition (TUSC). Ukip failed to turn up –no surprise there.

What follows is my personal précis of what each speaker said: greatest amusement was generated by the besuited and well-scrubbed Tory who was admittedly brave stepping into the ‘lions den’ but was a complete clone of a Tory Central Office candidate just out of finishing school. I think it was the first time he’d been North as he’d brought his wheeled suitcase along.


LibDems: Fracking must be made safe. We recognise it contributes to fossil fuel use causing climate change but we want to mitigate its effects. We have been held back from doing so – by the Tories. In the City of Manchester it’s Labour that has opposed LibDem plans to declare the city ‘frack free’. Here in the UK we are at less risk than in the USA from water contamination by fracking as we have piped water …


Greens: We are fundamentally opposed to fracking. It’s not an effective energy solution and it reinforces climate change,it locks us into a fossil fuels future. The current government want MORE deregulation which will make fracking even more unsafe. Lots of jobs can be brought online by promoting renewables far more. With renewables you get far more jobs created per pound spent. The Green Party is also the only one that is fighting TTIP (the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) which the EU and USA is negotiating in secret without political control.


Left Unity: We don’t need fracking even if it has knobs on. We need One Million Climate Jobs and greater investment in renewables and the associated infrastructure. We need to change the way we produce energy AND improve the way we use it.


Tories: [lied from the start about the facts of fracking…] The Tory party is ‘cautiously supportive of fracking and getting the shale out of the ground.’ In the NW we need the energy and we need the jobs– as with the ‘new-killer’ industry. UK shale would drive down fuel prices [Ithink even Osborne does not claim this…] We are in an uncertain world where Russia holds the thumbscrews on fuelsupplies in Europe. So in the EU we Tories have been at the forefront of making sure we can frack and also keep it safe. But the most important thing isgetting the gas out. We pay a lot into the EU so we want the EU to do research into ‘weaning us off fossil fuels’ [30 years is a long weaning!] He later added‘It’s a long-term objective and could take 50 years’ and ‘I’m a passionate supporter of TTIP which will to bring investment into the UK.’ Added: ‘no need to worry about fracking chemicals used [800+?) as these are regulated by the EU’s REACH list.

Labour: It’s the national UK government,not local government or the EU that decides on energy production and fracking.In Labour we say we need a ‘mature debate’ on fracking. This is our ‘Precautionary Principle’. We are dismayed that Salford’s Labour Mayor rejected a council discussion on a 3000 signature petition. Whilst the government is offering incentives or bribes and the House of Lords report claims fracking is a ‘national priority’ I’m actually personally against it as we don’t have enough evidence to let it go ahead. What worries me is water contamination. So until we are comfortable that there are enough checks and balances we should not do it.



TUSC: Fracking is not the answer to the energy crisis. It is local councils – including Labour councils – that have granted permissions to drill,not the Westminster government. Meanwhile the ConDems are hammering the regulatory agencies and cutting jobs. Fracking is a dangerous and wasteful process and Cameron is lying when he claims it will reduce energy bills – even Cuadrilla say that it won’t. We need local and sustainable energy and we would put solar panels on every roof. Take the fight to the Tories, fight the cuts, restore our services!

Chris Rivers

1 comment

    • Alison Ball on June 5, 2014 at 20:04
    • Reply

    What really bothers me here is that not one of these representatives talks about what the people want. We live in a democracy supposedly, it should be up to the people of this country to get educated on this topic in order to decide for themselves what happens based on evidence .
    Personally I say FRACK OFF!

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