Fracking is a risky industry for people and the environment and would contribute to climate change. Wherever fracking is proposed it is opposed, and communities in Ryedale and Lancashire have been campaigning every day to stop the industry. Local communities have said no.
Fracking company Third Energy has started work in Ryedale, and Cuadrilla has started drilling in Lancashire.
But before fracking can start at either site the Secretary of State for Energy, Greg Clark MP, must sign a fracking consent application. Fracking is a dangerous and unnecessary industry. It threatens the local environment and worsens climate change.
With fracking now banned in Scotland, and halted in Wales and Northern Ireland our Government is increasingly out on a limb in pursuing it in England. But we still have an opportunity to stop fracking before it happens.
People power has kept the UK frack-free for six years. Now, the more people who write to Greg Clark and tell him that fracking must not take place, the more pressure he’ll be under to say no.
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