Martin Porter

Author's posts

Greater Manchester Green Summit – Fracking Fringe Meeting

On 21st March 2018, Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham held his first Green Summit, where he announced his intention to make Manchester one of the greenest cities on the planet. Many fine words were said, but it’s far too early to judge what actions they will result in. However, in the evening Frack Free Greater …

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Press Release: Fracking Fringe Event to be held at Greater Manchester Mayor’s Green Summit

On 21st March the Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, will host a summit with a view to making Manchester one of the greenest cities in Europe. (1) However, four years ago Greater Manchester looked set for a different accolade as fracking company IGas explored for shale gas at Barton Moss, Salford. Frack Free Greater Manchester …

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Greenpeace activists found not guilty in lock-on trial

In a decision which will be greeted with dismay by the fracking industry, a District Judge has found ten Greenpeace volunteers ‘not guilty’ of Obstructing the Public Highway, despite them all admitting they were trying to block the entrance to the Cuadrilla Resources Preston New Road fracking operation, just outside Blackpool. At the trial at …

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PRESS RELEASE: UK’s largest ever anti-fracking gathering held in Manchester today

An estimated two thousand people marched through the centre of Manchester today in what was probably the largest ever anti-fracking gathering ever seen in the United Kingdom. Activists converged on the city from Lancashire, Yorkshire, London, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, claiming Manchester was today the “capital of the so-called bleak and desolate north“. The …

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Bianca Jagger to speak at United Against Fracking rally in Manchester 12th November

International human rights campaigner Bianca Jagger, Labour mayoral candidate Andy Burnham and former climate change diplomat John Ashton will be speaking this Saturday at an anti-fracking march and rally in Manchester. Legendary Hacienda DJ Dave Haslam will also be playing what organisers hope will be the largest anti-fracking gathering ever in the UK. Campaigners from …

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PRESS RELEASE: UK’s Largest Ever Anti-Fracking Rally Planned For Manchester

What could be the largest ever gathering of people opposed to shale gas extraction in the UK is planned for Manchester city centre on Saturday 12th November 2016. Campaigners from Lancashire and Yorkshire will converge on the city and be joined by local campaigners from Frack Free Greater Manchester, Manchester Friends of the Earth, …

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‘Secret’ Shale Gas Conference Located

I can now reveal that our spies have tracked the frackers down and they will be holding their #secretshale summit at the RADISSON BLU HOTEL at MANCHESTER AIRPORT. Yes, people who want to drill for more fossil fuels will be meeting next to Greater Manchester’s biggest user of fossil fuels. We still intend to meet …

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PRESS RELEASE: What have you got to hide, frackers?

Fracktivists take to the streets as Fracking industry sneak into Manchester for conference Activists from Frack Free Greater Manchester, Manchester Friends of the Earth and Manchester Greenpeace have called a demonstration outside a secret fracking industry conference [1] this Tuesday. The purpose of the peaceful protest is to remind the fracking industry that they have …

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Keep It in the Ground – Mobilisation Tour

Wed 12 October 2016 7pm  @ Madlabs, ManchesterAddress: 36-40 Edge Street, M4 1HN Download the Manchester flyer Facebook event: s/1337285796335142/ With Frack Free Greater Manchester and Reclaim the Power After years of being pushed back by community efforts to oppose fracking, the extreme energy industry is still pressing ahead with plans to extract shale …

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PHOTO CALL: 12.30pm, Wednesday 6th July – Campaigners will make a symbolic ‘red line’ outside the fracking conference at the Manchester Conference Centre, Sackville Street, M1 3BB Campaigners from Frack Free Greater Manchester, Manchester Friends of the Earth, Reclaim the Power, Greenpeace, and the Campaign Against Climate Change will hold a ‘red lines’ climate change …

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